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Hinsdale County School District RE-1

Hinsdale County School District is governed by an elected Board of Education. Current members can be found on the Board of Education page.

The Board of Hinsdale County School District RE-1 is guided by the following vision, mission, and values which are found in Directional Policy DP-1. All District Policies are found here.

Our Vision, Mission, and Values

Our Vision

All students who pass through our halls shall be prepared for lifelong learning, responsible citizenship and a balanced, productive life.

Our Mission

Hinsdale County School District is committed to building an equitable and safe learning environment utilizing our individual capabilities that exemplifies ethical, diverse and inclusive civic leadership.

Our Values
  • Community - Stakeholders are partners in the educational process and journey.
  • Leadership – Integrity, accountability and respect is modeled at all levels within the district.
  • Inclusive School Culture – Students and staff thrive and take pride in an atmosphere where they feel supported, valued and safe regardless of individual beliefs and backgrounds.
  • Holistic Approach to Learning – Physical, mental, emotional and social health are integral to a child's ability to learn.
  • Academic Rigor/Relevance – Focus is on educational quality where students apply core knowledge, skills and concepts to solve real world problems in a challenging and engaging environment.